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Android control of Non-Arduino micros using pfodApp
PIC Data Logging and Plotting Control Example

by Matthew Ford 2nd August 2016 (originally posted 28th January 2016)
© Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd. NSW Australia
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Example of Logging and Plotting data on your Android mobile
using PIC18F14K22 and pfodApp™
No Android programming required.

This is a detailed example of how code a PIC18F14K22 talk to an Adafruit BLE communication module and use pfodApp on your Android mobile to log and plot data sent from the PIC. No Android programming required.

This example follows on from PIC Led Control example. That example needs to be completed first as it sets up the pfodParserC library for your microprocessor. The complete MPLAB project for this example is DataLogging.X.zip

Add a Chart to your Menu

pfodDesignerV2 lets you add a chart with up to three (3) plots to your menu. The tutorial How to Display/Plot Arduino Data on Android covers how to design a chart menu item. In this example you will use the C code target to generate the pfodMenu.h and pfodMenu.c files needed for non-Arduino based processors.

Start with your previous “PIC Led Control” menu design in pfodDesignerV2. Following the example of How to Display/Plot Arduino Data on Android, add a chart button called “Plot of Random Data” containing a chart labelled “PIC Data” with two plots (i.e. hide Plot 3). Plot 1 labelled “Random Data” and Plot 2 labelled “Led setting” with Y axis “LED (On=1)”, Fixed Scale and a Plot Data Variable Range of (-1 to 2)

Generate the C code and replace the existing pfodMenu.h and pfodMenu.c files with the new generated code. Here are the generated pfodMenu.h and pfodMenu.c files.

Do a clean rebuild and re-program your PIC. (Note: disconnect the Adafruit's TX/RX lines when reprogramming so it does not get confused.) Then when you connect with pfodApp you will see your new menu.

Clicking on the “Plot of Random Data” button open the chart with two empty plot. Your PIC is not sending any data yet.

Sending Data from the PIC

Looking at the new pfodMenu.h header file you can see the added plot variables

// plotting data variables
  extern volatile uint8_t pfodParser_sendDataFlag; // set this to true (1) to send data, it is reset to false (0) by pfodParser_sendData()
  extern volatile unsigned long plot_X_var; // X axis defaults to an incrementing counter unless your code assigns a value to plot_X_var before each pfodParser_sendData() call.
  extern volatile int plot_1_var;
  extern volatile int plot_2_var;
  // plot 3 is hidden

Looking in the new pfodMenu.c file you can see the updated pfodParser_sendData() method. This method sends the data is CSV (comma separated values) format.

void pfodParser_sendData(void) {
  if (!pfodParser_sendDataFlag) {
  pfodParser_sendDataFlag = 0;
  // send plot data in CSV format
  pfodParser_printCh(','); pfodParser_printLong(plot_1_var);
  pfodParser_printCh(','); pfodParser_printLong(plot_2_var);
  pfodParser_printCh(','); // Plot 3 is hidden in pfodDesignerV2. No data sent.
  pfodParser_println(); // end of CSV data record

To send data you only need to assign values to the variables plot_X_var, plot_1_var and plot_2_var and then set the pfodParser_sendDataFlag true (non-zero). If you don't assign a value to plot_X_var then pfodParser_sendData() will just send an incrementing counter for the X axis.

Setting up a 1sec Timer

Open the Code Configurator again (Tools → Embedded → Code Configurator Open/Close) and from Device Resources (left hand side) open the Timer section and double click on TMR0. Configure it as shown below. This set the time to call the interrupt method once a second.

Click the Generate tab to re-generate the MPLAB config files. There are now two new files
tmr0.h and tmr0.c under mcc_generated_files. The SYSTEM_Initialize() method now automatically initializes and starts timer TMR0.

Open the tmr0.c file and cut the void TMR0_CallBack(void) method and paste at the bottom on your main.c file.

Setting and Sending the Plot Data

Edit the TMR0_CallBack method to assign values to the plot variables and to set pfodParser_sendDataFlag to non-zero. This example overrides plot_X_var with a sec. counter and just assigns a random value for plot_1_var and assigns the current value of cmd_A_var to plot_2_var.

unsigned long timeSec = 0;
void TMR0_CallBack(void)
    plot_X_var = timeSec;
    plot_1_var = 450+600+(rand()%100);
    plot_2_var = cmd_A_var;
    pfodParser_sendDataFlag = 1; // send data once per sec

The complete edited main.c is here. You need to add stdlib.h to the includes for rand().

Since the TMRO_CallBack() is an interrupt callback method, it should be kept short with little or no calculation in it. Just assign the variables and return.

Now when you connect with pfodApp and turn the led on and off a few times the plot looks like this.

The CSV plot data is also logged to a file on your Android for later downloading and further analysis. The raw data filename is displayed as you exit pfodApp. See pfodAppForAndroidGettingStarted.pdf for more details.

The complete MPLAB project for a PIC18F14K22 is in DataLogging.X.zip


This second MPLAB PIC18F14K22 example builds on the first one to add data logging and plotting. pfodDesignerV2 does most of the coding for you and generates the pfodMenu.h and pfodMenu.c files. You only need to assign values to the plot variables and set the pfodParser_sendDataFlag. pfodApp automatically saves the data to a file on your mobile for later use.

The pfodDesignerV2 does not cover all the screen or plotting options. Check out the complete pfodSpecification.pdf the all the details.

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