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Java GUI Programming Tips and Guidelines
V2.3 of Logging has been recompiled under Java 8.
!! New !! Logging
and LogStdStreams can now roll you console log file when it reaches a
given size.
For Log4J logging use LogStdStreams to capture the
Console output. For Java Logging see below.
This article covers one way of setting up Java logging. The Java logging package is very flexible and provides for many possible uses. This flexibility sometimes obscures its application. The article will cover how I set up Java Logging for Parallel and includes sample code for the special formatters used.
This is not a tutorial, it is an article on setting up Java Logging to meet specific functional requirements. For tutorial information on the Java Logging API read An Introduction to the Java Logging API and Java Logging Functionality in that order. Then look at the Sun Java Logging Overview
This article assumes you are familiar with the information in those tutorials.
is my Java Logging not working!!
here for tips
and a debugging method to help you sort out the problems.
The complete source code, docs and compiled class files are available in this jar file, subject to this licence.
The specifications for this logging set-up are
All logging output to be saved in log files. This includes System.out and System.err outputs. Nothing is to be sent to the terminal window.
The logging is to be robust against programming errors and invalid objects.
The application should only log SEVERE level errors (and System.err and System.out) to the default log file.
The user can be instructed to start up the application in such a way so that more detailed logging is performed to a secondary log file.
The detailed logging is output in XML format but in such a way so that it can be easily viewed as a HTML page using an XSL stylesheet.
Only program errors are logged to the default log file. User messages are only logged if detailed logging is enabled.
As discussed in Error Recovery (Rule 1), allowing messages to be written to a terminal window is problematic. There may not be a terminal window attached to this application. Even if there is, it is much more convenient to log errors to a well documented file for later inspection and submission with a fault report.
The default configuration of Java Logging supplies a
which writes to
. This default handler could
be replaced with one that would write to a file instead, but that
would still leave System.err
going to the terminal. So
instead this requirement will be satisfied by using the LogStdStreams
It the main application class, a static block is added that
redirects all System.err
and System.out
to the application log file. The standard ConsoleHandler
will now also be redirected to this file. The “well documented
file” is applicationLog.log in the user's home
package au.com.forward; import java.util.logging.*; import java.util.Date; import java.io.File; import au.com.forward.utils.LogStdStreams; import au.com.forward.utils.StringUtils; import au.com.forward.logging.LoggingSimpleFormatter; public class ExampleLoggingApplication { static { // any errors thrown here are fatal String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home","."); String FILE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("file.separator","/"); String logFileName = userHome+FILE_SEPARATOR+"applicationLog.log"; // set up logging for errors LogStdStreams.initializeErrorLogging(logFileName, "Log File for ExampleLoggingApplication "+ new Date(), true, true); // redirect System.out as well as System.err and append to existing log }
This redirection of System.err
to a log
file is also necessary due to the bad practice of programmers
(including Sun's programmers) of catching exceptions and just writing
an error message to System.err
. However
I find that once I started using LogStdStreams,
I found it convenient to write to System.err
whenever I wanted to log a critical message to the application log
Next I needed to deal with invalid objects being passed to the
logger. Null objects are handled by the default formatter, but
objects whose state is not valid and whose toString()
method throws an exception are not handled.
For example, if badObject
is an
object whose toString()
method throws an
exception, then the following codeObject
objs[] =
a badObject {0} {1}",objs);
produces the following message9/10/2003
15:34:11 au.com.forward.ExampleLoggingApplication main
Log a badObject {0} {1}
That is, none of the objects are formatted. There is also a problem if you use a call like
logger.log(Level.SEVERE,"Log some
In the default java.utils.logging.Formatter
the objs
are not logged at all. Only the
9/10/2003 15:34:11
au.com.forward.ExampleLoggingApplication main
SEVERE: Log some
is logged.
To overcome these problems, I created a new class,
which extends from java.utils.logging.Formatter
and over-rides the formatMessage()
method. The code for this new class can be found here.
This RobustFormatter is used as the super-class of the
LoggingSimpleFormatter and LoggingXMLFormatter classes described
The Java logging package makes its best effort to determine the
class and method name for each LogRecord. If your application
produces a stacktrace with the correct method names and line numbers,
then the logger should also. This is because the standand library
code uses a stacktrace to find the method name and line number. By
default, the Sun javac.exe for Windows includes line and source
debugging information. However if you use the Apache
Ant javac task, you have to explicitly turn on the debugging
using the attributes debug=”on”
and debuglevel=”lines,source”
<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}" classpath="xyz.jar" debug="on" debuglevel="lines,source"/>
To ensure that only SEVERE log messages are output to the
applicationLog.log, the logging level of the ConsoleHandler
has to be set to Level.SEVERE
. The
default is Level.INFO
for both handlers
and loggers. At the same the ConsoleHandler's formatter will be set
to the new LoggingSimpleFormatter
which used the RobustFormatter.
This is achieved by adding the following code to the top of the
application's main()
method or by
calling one of the au.com.forward.logging.Logging initialization
try { Handler[] handlers = Logger.getLogger("").getHandlers(); boolean foundConsoleHandler = false; for (int index = 0; index < handlers.length; index++) { // set console handler to SEVERE if (handlers[index] instanceof ConsoleHandler) { handlers[index].setLevel(Level.SEVERE); handlers[index].setFormatter(new LoggingSimpleFormatter()); foundConsoleHandler = true; } } if (!foundConsoleHandler) { // no console handler found System.err.println("No consoleHandler found, adding one."); ConsoleHandler consoleHandler = new ConsoleHandler(); consoleHandler.setLevel(Level.SEVERE); consoleHandler.setFormatter(new LoggingSimpleFormatter()); Logger.getLogger("").addHandler(consoleHandler); } } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println("Unexpected Error setting up logging\n" + StringUtils.toString(t)); }
This code finds the ConsoleHandler
sets its logging level to Level.SEVERE
and sets its formatter to LoggingSimpleFormatter
If no ConsoleHandler
is found, one is
added. This guards against a miss-configured logging.properties
file (discussed below). The code for the LoggingSimpleFormatter
can be found here.
Now that the default ConsoleHandler
is configured, the next task is the detailed logging. This detailed
logging is used for debugging, both during development and after
release. It is controlled by the logging.properties file. When
the application is started using the command line
java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=logging.properties au.com.forward.ExampleLoggingApplication
the logging.properties file adds a FiileHandler
which uses an XML formatter to write the logging records in XML
The following is a first attempt at a logging.properties file (less most of the comments)
# Add a FileHandler handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler # Default global logging level. .level = SEVERE # Describes specific configuration info for the Handlers. # default file output is in user's home directory. java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = %h/applicationLog%u.xml
This configuration file sets up a FileHandler
which writes a file, applicationLog0.xml, in XML format (the
default formatter for a FileHandler
) in
the user's home directory. Also by default, the file is rewritten
each time the application is run.
Running the application with this logging configuration file (using the command line shown above) produces the following two log files
Log File for ExampleLoggingApplication Wed Oct 01 14:01:13 EST 2003 No consoleHandler found, adding one.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE log SYSTEM "logger.dtd"> <log> </log>
So far so good. The logging.properties file overrides the
defaults. The file did not specify a ConsoleHandler
so the code in main()
added one. The
logger.dtd file is available from Sun JavaTM
Logging Overview - Appendix A. It is reproduced here.
The ExampleLoggingApplication
is used
to generate some sample logging output. The full source for this
example class is here.
First a Logger
for this class is
added. I always use the full class name as the name of the logger.
This ensures unique loggers for the application and, as noted in
Appendix I, simplifies logging in static
static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("au.com.forward.ExampleLoggingApplication");
then some logger calls are inserted into the class constructor
public ExampleLoggingApplication() { logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(),"<init>"); // .. constructor code here logger.exiting(this.getClass().getName(),"<init>"); }
and in the main() method
logger.finer("About to create new ExampleLoggingApplication()"); ExampleLoggingApplication application = new ExampleLoggingApplication();
To set the logging Level
for this class
to something other than SEVERE
, the
following line is added to the bottom of the logging.properties
file to set the level for this logger to FINEST
Note carefully, the .level which is added to the end of the logger's name in the above line. If you leave the .level out, the statement will be quietly ignored. Re-running the application now produces this XML file. It has a lot of information but is not very readable. The next task is to convert the XML output into a web page using an XSL stylesheet.
To convert the XML detailed logging file to HTML format we need to
add a reference to the stylesheet in the XML output. This is done by
overriding the getHeader()
method in the
XML formatter class. The new LoggingXMLFormatter
class extends from RobustFormatter and as well as adding a stylesheet
reference in the header, the new class also simplifies the XML output
used for exceptions.
The default XML output for any Throwable has separate tags for
each frame in the stack trace. To simplify the XSL stylesheet, the
places all of the
stacktrace inside one <message>
element. The source code for LoggingXMLFormatter
is here.
You may notice that the code for the LoggingXMLForatter
class is not quite as paronoid about errors in the LogRecord
class as LoggingSimpleFormatter
Once the FileHandler
is instructed to
use the LoggingXMLFormatter
class, the
XML output can be formatted using logger.xsl
(for a more information on XSL, see an XSL
To instruct the FileHandler
to use
the new LoggingXMLFormatter
class, add
the following line to the logging.properties
java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter =
If the new XML output does not include the XSL reference in its
header, check that the
is on the classpath. If Java cannot find the class, it will just
quietly ignore it and use the default XML formattter.
Now opening the applicationLog0.xml file in InternetExplorer V6.0 displays a page like this. If you want to change the display format, you can revise the logger.xsl file.
The article on Error
Recovery discusses where to put top level try
blocks to handle errors that stop part of the application from
functioning. Logging of program errors should also take place at
these points. This logging should always be enabled.
The example code in Error
Recovery - Rule 2 called the method
display the error or user message. This method should also handle
logging of program errors. User informational messages should not be
logged as these are not errors. (The user never makes mistakes!)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { ... // handle action here ... } catch (Throwable t) { // recover from error here Application.showErrorMessage(t); // if this action is associated with a particular window then use // Application.showErrorMessage(window,t); instead } }
Error/Information Messages and Help showed some sample code for
the Application.showErrorMessage()
method. This needs to be modified slightly to include logging.
public static void showErrorMessage(Throwable t) { // need to catch all errors here try { if ((t instanceof java.lang.Error) || (t instanceof java.lang.Exception) ) { logger.severe("Error in Thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "\n" + StringUtils.toString(t)); } else { // user message. Only log at Level.FINER or Level.FINEST logger.finer("Error in Thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "\n" + StringUtils.toString(t)); } JButton dismiss = new JButton("Continue"); JButton help = new JButton("Help"); JOptionPane messageBox = new JOptionPane("",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); String msg = formatThrowableMessage(t); messageBox.setMessage(msg); ................
This extra code uses the distinction between errors and user messages
proposed by Unified
Error/Information Messages and Help to easily decide if a given
is a program error or a user
message. Program errors are always logged, while user messages, which
inherit directly from java.lang.Throwable, are only logged if the log
level for this class is FINER
This completes the set-up of Java Logging to satisfy the given
requirements. The Appendix I gives a couple of tips on using the
and Logger.exiting()
methods both require an
explicit class name and method name. You can optionally add argument
objects or a return object. For non-static methods, I use
to ensure the
class name is updated when I inherit from this class. For static
methods, the this
object is not
available. In this case I use logger.getName()
which in my code is always the class name. E.g.
public abstract class InternalWindow extends JInternalFrame { /** * logger for this class */ public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("au.com.forward.parallel.gui.InternalWindow"); // a non-static method public void setWindow(InternalWindow window) { // use this.getClass().getName() to show sub-class name logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(),"setWindow", window ); // .... logger.exiting(this.getClass().getName(),"setWindow"); } // a static method public static WorkspaceWindow lookupWindow(String workspaceName, String hostIP) throws WorkspaceWindowException { Object[] args = {"workspaceName:",worspaceName, "hostIP:", hostIP}; logger.entering(logger.getName(),"lookupWindow", args); logger.exiting(logger.getName(),"lookupWindow", window); return window; }
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