// BufferedOutput_GPS_19200_testing.ino // // This example reads GPS data from a SafeStringStream at 19200 baud with a 64byte rx buffer // with BufferedOutput // // Only the $GPRMC message is parsed. // // by Matthew Ford // Copyright(c)2020 Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd. // This example code is in the public domain. // // download and install the SafeString library from Arduino library manager // or from www.forward.com.au/pfod/ArduinoProgramming/SafeString/index.html #include "SafeString.h" #include "SafeStringStream.h" #include "SafeStringReader.h" #include "BufferedOutput.h" createBufferedOutput(output, 80, DROP_UNTIL_EMPTY); const uint32_t TESTING_BAUD_RATE = 19200; // how fast to release the data from sfStream to be read by this sketch cSF(sfTestData, 180); // the test data SafeString, will be filled in setup() cSF(rxBuf, 64); // the extra rxbuffer for the SafeStringStream to mimic the Uno hardware serial rx buffer SafeStringStream sfStream(sfTestData, rxBuf); // set the SafeString to be read from and the SafeString providing the rx buffer // create an sfReader instance of SafeStringReader class // that will handle input lines upto 80 chars long terminated by newline // the createSafeStringReader( ) macro creates both the SafeStringReader (sfReader) and the necessary SafeString that holds input chars until a delimiter is found // args are (ReaderInstanceName, expectedMaxInputLength, delimiters) createSafeStringReader(sfReader, 80, '\n'); // UTC date/time int year; int month; int day; int hour; int minute; float seconds; int latDegs = 0; float latMins = 0.0; int longDegs = 0; float longMins = 0.0; float speed = 0.0; float angle = 0.0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Open serial communications and wait a few seconds for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--) { Serial.print(' '); Serial.print(i); delay(500); } Serial.println(); Serial.print("Automated Serial testing at "); Serial.println(TESTING_BAUD_RATE); Serial.println(" using 80char BufferedOuput and 9600 baud Serial."); SafeString::setOutput(Serial); // enable error messages and debug() output to be sent to Serial these error msgs always be displayed but will block!! output.connect(Serial); // connect the buffered output to Serial sfReader.connect(sfStream); // read the test data from the SafeStringStream sfReader.echoOn(); // echos the read data back to be re-read again sfTestData = F( "$GPRMC,194509.000,A,4042.6142,N,07400.4168,W,2.03,221.11,160412,,,A*77\n" "$GPVTG,054.7,T,034.4,M,005.5,N,010.2,K*48\n" "$GPGGA,123519,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,1,08,0.9,545.4,M,46.9,M,,*47\n" ); // initialized the test data Serial.println("Test Data:-"); Serial.println(sfTestData); Serial.println(); sfStream.begin(sfTestData, TESTING_BAUD_RATE); // start releasing sfTestData at 9600 baud, do this last in setup() } bool checkSum(SafeString &msg) { int idxStar = msg.indexOf('*'); // could do these checks also // BUT SafeString will just return empty sfCheckSumHex and so fail to hexToLong conversion below // if (idxStar < 0) { // return false; // missing * //this also checks for empty string // } // // check for 2 chars // if (((msg.length()-1) - idxStar) != 2) { // msg.length() -1 is the last idx of the msg // return false; // too few or to many chars after * // } cSF(sfCheckSumHex, 2); msg.substring(sfCheckSumHex, idxStar + 1); // next 2 chars SafeString will complain and return empty substring if more than 2 chars long sum = 0; if (!sfCheckSumHex.hexToLong(sum)) { return false; // not a valid hex number } for (size_t i = 1; i < idxStar; i++) { // skip the $ and the *checksum sum ^= msg[i]; } return (sum == 0); } void parseTime(SafeString &timeField) { float timef = 0.0; if (!timeField.toFloat(timef)) { // an empty field is not a valid float return; // not valid skip the rest } uint32_t time = timef; hour = time / 10000; minute = (time % 10000) / 100; seconds = fmod(timef, 100.0); } void parseDegMin(SafeString °Field, int &d, float& m, int degDigits) { cSF(sfSub, 10); // temp substring degField.substring(sfSub, 0, degDigits); // degs, 2 for lat, 3 for long int degs = 0; if (!sfSub.toInt(degs)) { return; // invalid } float mins = 0.0; degField.substring(sfSub, degDigits, degField.length()); // mins if (!sfSub.toFloat(mins)) { return; // invalid } // both deg/mins valid update returns d = degs; m = mins; } void parseDate(SafeString &dateField) { long lDate = 0; if (!dateField.toLong(lDate)) { return; // invalid } day = lDate / 10000; month = (lDate % 10000) / 100; year = (lDate % 100); } /** Fields: (note fields can be empty) 123519.723 Fix taken at 12:35:19,723 UTC A Status A=active or V=Void. 4807.038,N Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N 01131.000,E Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E 022.4 Speed over the ground in knots 084.4 Track angle in degrees True 230394 Date 23rd of March 1994 003.1,W Magnetic Variation */ // just leaves existing values unchanged if new ones are not valid // returns false if msg Not Active bool parseGPRMC(SafeString &msg) { cSF(sfField, 11); // temp SafeString to received fields, max field len is <11; char delims[] = ",*"; // fields delimited by , or * bool returnEmptyFields = true; // return empty field for ,, int idx = 0; idx = msg.stoken(sfField, idx, delims, returnEmptyFields); if (sfField != "$GPRMC") { // first field should be $GPRMC else called with wrong msg return false; } cSF(sfTimeField, 11); // temp SafeString to hold time for later passing, after checking 'A' idx = msg.stoken(sfTimeField, idx, delims, returnEmptyFields); // time, keep for later idx = msg.stoken(sfField, idx, delims, returnEmptyFields); // A / V if (sfField != 'A') { return false; // not active } // else A so update time parseTime(sfTimeField); idx = msg.stoken(sfField, idx, delims, returnEmptyFields); // Lat parseDegMin(sfField, latDegs, latMins, 2); idx = msg.stoken(sfField, idx, delims, returnEmptyFields); // N / S or empty if (sfField == 'S') { latDegs = -latDegs; } idx = msg.stoken(sfField, idx, delims, returnEmptyFields); // Long parseDegMin(sfField, longDegs, longMins, 3); idx = msg.stoken(sfField, idx, delims, returnEmptyFields); // N / S or empty if (sfField == 'W') { longDegs = -longDegs; } idx = msg.stoken(sfField, idx, delims, returnEmptyFields); // speed if (!sfField.toFloat(speed) ) { // invalid, speed not changed } idx = msg.stoken(sfField, idx, delims, returnEmptyFields); // track angle true if (!sfField.toFloat(angle) ) { // invalid, angle not changed } idx = msg.stoken(sfField, idx, delims, returnEmptyFields); // date parseDate(sfField); idx = msg.stoken(sfField, idx, delims, returnEmptyFields); // magnetic variation // skip parsing this for now return true; } void print2digits(Print& out, int num) { if (num <= 9) { out.print('0'); } out.print(num); } void printPosition() { output.print(F(" > > > ")); output.print(F("20")); print2digits(output, year); output.print('/'); print2digits(output, month); output.print('/'); print2digits(output, day); output.print(F(" ")); print2digits(output, hour); output.print(':'); print2digits(output, minute); output.print(':'); print2digits(output, seconds); output.print(F(" ")); output.print(longDegs); output.print(' '); output.print(longMins); output.print(F("'")); output.print(F(", ")); output.print(latDegs); output.print(' '); output.print(latMins); output.print(F("'")); output.println(); } void loop() { output.nextByteOut(); // <<<<<<<<< important add this to send next buffered bytes to Serial if (sfReader.read()) { output.print(F(" sfStreamOv:")); output.print(sfStream.RxBufferOverflow()); output.println(); sfReader.trim(); // remove and leading/trailing white space output.println(sfReader); if (!checkSum(sfReader)) { // is the check sum OK output.print("!! bad checksum : "); output.println(sfReader); } else { // check sum OK so select msgs to process if (sfReader.startsWith("$GPRMC,")) { // this is the one we want if (parseGPRMC(sfReader)) { printPosition(); // print new data } } else { // some other msg } } } // else token is empty }