// UNO_modbus.ino // NonBlockingModbusMaster first Example on UNO using software serial //AltSoftSerial on Arduino Uno TX pin 9 RX pin 8 PWM used pin 10 /** (c)2025 Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd. NSW Australia, www.forward.com.au This code is not warranted to be fit for any purpose. You may only use it at your own risk. This code may be freely used for both private and commercial use Provide this copyright is maintained. Also see LICENSE.txt for original ModbusMaster license. */ #include "AltSoftSerial.h" #include "NonBlockingModbusMaster.h" #include "loopTimer.h" #include "millisDelay.h" AltSoftSerial altSerial; const long baudrate = 9600; NonBlockingModbusMaster nbModbusMaster; millisDelay samplingDelay; unsigned long sampleInterval_ms = 3000; // timeout is 2000 unsigned int slaveId = 1; unsigned int address = 0; unsigned int qty = 4; unsigned long start_ms = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--) { // Serial.print(i); Serial.print(' '); // delay(500); // } Serial.println(); Serial.println("NonBlockingModbusMaster on UNO using AltSoftSerial "); Serial.println(" reading Slave ID: 1, Holding Register 0, Qty 4 at 9600 every 3 seconds." ); altSerial.begin(baudrate); // MODBUS over serial line specification and implementation guide V1.02 // Paragraph MODBUS Message RTU Framing // https://modbus.org/docs/Modbus_over_serial_line_V1_02.pdf float bitduration = 1.f / baudrate; float charlen = 10.0f; // 8 bits + 1 stop, parity ? float preDelayBR = bitduration * charlen * 3.5f * 1e6 + 1; // in us float postDelayBR = bitduration * charlen * 3.5f * 1e6 + 1; // in us // ~3.28ms (4ms) for 9600 baud, or 0.84ms (1ms) for 34800 baud nbModbusMaster.initialize(altSerial, preDelayBR, postDelayBR); // default timeout 2000ms (2sec) samplingDelay.start(sampleInterval_ms); } void loop() { loopTimer.check(Serial); if (samplingDelay.justFinished()) { samplingDelay.restart(); // readHoldingRegisters will return false and be ignored if nbModbusMaster is still processing the last cmd // i.e. if nbModbusMaster.isProcessing() returns true if (nbModbusMaster.readHoldingRegisters(slaveId, address, qty)) { // cmd started start_ms = millis(); } // else still waiting for last cmd to finish skip this sample } if (nbModbusMaster.justFinished()) { Serial.print(" readHoldingRegisters took "); Serial.print(millis() - start_ms); Serial.print(" ms. "); // check for errors int err = nbModbusMaster.getError(); // 0 for OK if (err) { Serial.print("Error: "); nbModbusMaster.printHex(err, Serial); Serial.println(); } else { Serial.print("response Len "); Serial.print(nbModbusMaster.getResponseBufferLength()); Serial.print(" "); for (int i = 0; i < nbModbusMaster.getResponseBufferLength(); i++) { nbModbusMaster.printHex(nbModbusMaster.getResponseBuffer(i), Serial); Serial.print(" "); } Serial.println(); } } }