/* * FioV3_2Serial_wifi.ino * (c)2013 Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd. * www.forward.com.au * This code may be freely used * * This sketch is for configuring RN-XV wifi board using SparkFun FioV3 * see http://www.forward.com.au/pfod/ArduinoProgramming/FioV3/index.html for details * * NOTE $$$ does NOT have so set monitor for "No Line endings" when issuing this string * once in cmd mode then set monitor back to "CR LF endings" * exit exits cmd mode * * RN-XVD * After Factory defaults * Baud rate 9600 * 8 bits * No Parity * 1 stop bit * No Hardware flow control */ void setup() { // Open serial communications and wait for port to open: Serial.begin(9600); // this should match the USB driver connect baud rate of 9600 Serial1.begin(9600); // this is the default baud rate for RN-XV wifi module } void loop() { if (Serial1.available()) Serial.write(Serial1.read()); if (Serial.available()) { byte in = Serial.read(); // Serial.write(in); // local echo not needed for RN-XV wifi module Serial1.write(in); } }